Thursday, December 1, 2011


I don't have a recipe for you today, but I'm hoping you have about 9 minutes for me! I was doing some research today on detox and found some information on Glutathione that is definitely worth knowing! Let me just give you a brief overview about Glutathione before you watch the video below.

Glutathione (GSH) is an endogenous antioxidant, which means it's only produced in our bodies. It does about 20-30 things in our cells, but here are the 3 major things for us to remember: 1. Antioxidant, so it helps reduce free radicals and oxidative stress. 2. Immune system booster. 3. Detoxifier, including heavy metals and environmental chemicals.  Since Glutathione (GSH) isn't found in foods, we need to consume foods that have precursors to Glutathione, meaning they can help raise Glutathione levels. One of the precursors to Glutathione is Cysteine. According to studies, these foods can slightly help to increase our bodies naturally occurring Glutathione: apples, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, grapefruit, spinach, and tomatoes. The best way to increase you Glutathione levels is take a powdered supplement. I will have to do further research on this, but in the meantime, I'm going to increase my intake of the above veggies!! I would guess it would be beneficial to consume foods high in Cysteine as well, which include broccoli, brussel sprouts, garlic, oats, onion, and red peppers.

It's always fun to learn new things, especially if it's something that our body does for us! Even though it seems we can't dramatically boost Glutathione levels without a supplement, it makes me want to feed my body the best food so it continues to do the best work that it can! After all, we only have one.

Happy learning!!

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