Monday, November 28, 2011

Cleanse Soup!

Wow! What a fabulous Thanksgiving we had! We were able to spend the weekend with family in Iowa and then ended our weekend with an overnight in Galena, Illinois. It was fantastic! I have to admit that I was not able to maintain the 80-90% raw diet that I have been doing. I did bring a few items with us so I could eat some raw, but it's always hard when you're visiting people that don't eat like you. I would never want to offend anyone. We brought salad fixings, raw oatmeal, and some veggies along with our old juicer. I am glad that we got some raw things in over the weekend.

I decided that I should do a bit of a cleanse upon returning home. I came across this recipe that sounded perfect:

Cleanse Soup from the Do Eat Raw App.

2 little red bell peppers
6 green onions
3 celery stalks
1 avocado
2 tomatoes
5 leaves of kale
1/2 inch root ginger
1 cup fresh cilantro
1/2 cup fresh spinach
1 teaspoon Himalayan Salt
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1 cup warm water

Chop all of the ingredients, place in a food processor, and blend until creamy! I didn't have any spinach so I left that out and I also only added about 1/2 cup of water. I like my soup a bit thicker, but you can add as much as you'd like. 

My husband had some work to do, so it was just the little man and I making soup together. He loves to help. Surprisingly enough, he loved this soup too! He ate about half of my bowl and kept saying, "spicy" in his sweet little voice! Trust me when I say that I was one happy mama seeing him eat this soup. So good for his little body after a weekend of "not so healthy" food! Soups and smoothies are always an excellent way to get young kids to eat leafy greens and other veggies they can't really chew!

Love that chubby little helping finger!!

He was leaning in to get a taste!

One of many bites! And yes, he's sitting on the cupboard!
It's difficult to take pictures when your 2-year old is attempting to help and eat at the same time. I attempted to take several pictures of the soup in the bowl all while he kept leaning over like he was going to lap it up like a dog. I'm sure he would've if I'd let him:) 

BTW, I really liked this!

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