Sunday, March 25, 2012

Hungry For Change REMINDER!

A few posts ago, I blogged about the upcoming "Food Matters" documentary, "Hungry For Change." It's finally here, and you can watch it for free until March 31st.

 If you're fat, wonder why you can't ever lose weight, sick, depressed, and addicted to food, caffeine, and (DIET) soda, you MUST watch this video! If that's a little too blunt for your taste, I don't apologize:) I love it when people can honestly feel good from the inside out. Our bodies are incredibly amazing machines and if we treat them right, they are good to us in return. If you've never truly been healthy, then you don't know what you're missing. Just imagine if you could wake up everyday feeling great and love the person that you are. Or wouldn't it be even better if you didn't need to take any of those pills anymore? If you're a younger person and don't take pills yet, you are doing yourself a favor to start caring for your body now before it's too late. I can honestly tell you from my own personal experience as a registered nurse that the majority of people with diseases are obese, eat poorly, don't sleep enough, and don't exercise. Now of course maybe there's a few that sleep all the time and maybe take walks, but that means nothing if their diet is lacking! Processed foods are loaded with addicting chemicals that make you want more, so educate yourself and stop the dangerous cycle. For all of you out there reading this, I want for you to be able to enjoy your life and be healthy doing it!

One of the things that I hate to hear people say is, "XX disease is the leading cause of death among women today" or "XX disease is the leading cause of death among men." OK, so you get it right? Well, these XX diseases are not actually the leading cause of death. Processed food, sugar, and poor nutrition intake is actually the leading cause of death among all people. If we would just put good healthy foods into our body, XX disease would never get out of control in the first place. It's poor food choices that lead to XX disease and then to death.

If what you're doing isn't working, try something else. Another "diet" is not the answer, change your life. Start today!!!! All righty then! I'm going to step off my soap box and let you watch for yourself!! Use the link below to view "Hungry for Change" free. Enter your name and email address in the box at the top left corner of the screen and press, "watch now!"


  1. This is really a great documentary! I feel completely guilty about my lunch choice now!!!!

  2. LOL! Don't beat yourself least you had carrot/apple juice with you!
