Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A date over raw food!

 A date over raw food! My kind of night, so that's what I did last week; went on a date to raw food night at The Green Owl Cafe. My husband was not my date, but he was all for it. In fact he sent me several text messages to see how it was going. How could I say no? Here's our text dialogue:

Eric:  I love you. Have fun on your date, he's a great guy.

Me: I know. I have an emotional connection to him, and he's gorgeous! I love you too!

Me: (later on) He has one fault: he picks his nose.

Eric: LOL (probably thought I deserved it for going on a date with another man)

Me: He's killing this raw food!

Eric: He's a little shorter than our used too, (Eric is 6'5'') but his tender heart makes up for it.

Me: :) Turns out he has more faults than I thought. He's a little OC! Fork and dirty hands everywhere, chews with his mouth open. Dude has no manners! I still love him though!

I love him because he's my son! Yep, I took Gabe out on a date with me for raw food! I ended up not having a free girlfriend, so I cancelled our babysitter (who's amazing by the way) and took Gabe. It was a fun night! Dirty hands and all!

Here's the run down of the menu.

Small Plates
Apple-fennel walnut napoleans--a stacked salad with agave vinaigrette 
This was incredible! Gabe immediately wanted a bite and I was so focused on him that I forgot to take a picture until it was mostly gone. Bummer because it was really pretty too!

 Spring Soup--a creamy zucchini soup with fresh herbs including parsley and cilantro. 

Carrot-zucchini fritters--crispy vegetable patties with cranberry-ginger topping 

Loved loved loved this soup! Plus I'm a huge fan of sunflower sprouts! (the green things on top of the soup) Gabe ate half of it himself and I contemplated ordering another bowl,  but I figured it would end up being too much after all of the other dishes. He kept saying, "more, more." That was probably his favorite. Well, beside dessert. He also ate a whole fritter. That actually surprised me a little because it had a chewy texture, but he ate the entire thing.
Raw Shepherd's pie with Colcannon topping--a savory mushroom-walnut and vegetable mixture topped with creamy cauliflower and cabbage, served with marinated green beans.
The main entree was also quite delicious. I've never been a huge fan of shepherd's pie, but this was really good. It had a chunkier texture so Gabe didn't get into much. I ordered him a vegetarian pizza that he thought was just great. 

Grasshopper Pie--fresh mint cashew cheesecake with chocolatey crust and topping 
I have to say, I wouldn't normally order grasshopper pie. This was AMAZING!!  I'm sure you can see the large spoon mark on the top. That was Gabe attempting to get the first bite. I had to practically beat him off so I could take a picture. 
 I also decided I should portion out appropriate bite sizes or he would've eaten the whole thing in one bite. He's got a sweet tooth like his daddy! At least this was raw and a much healthier dessert!
 He was so proud of his little pizza in a take home box. He allowed me to carry "Thomas the train" so he could carry his pizza. When we got home he ran in the house, yelled for daddy, handed Eric the box of pizza, opened it up, and took a huge bite of what was left. I guess he was showing off or something. It was pretty cute and fantastic night for mommy!


  1. So cute. I'm not sure I would have that kind of luck with Zoie. The only thing she eats raw are cucumbers and carrots and those have to be dipped in ranch most of the time to get her to eat it. She's so tiny I have become less concerned with what she eats and just want her to eat at all. lol We do a lot of Annie's mac and cheese :)

    I have to tell you Joie, your blog has inspired me to change the way I eat. It has been so drastic I am down an extra 5lbs in the last week. My body apparently loves to be on a mostly vegan/raw diet :) The best part is that I'm not starving all the time and am still losing weight. Keep posting girl!

  2. Yum!!! I totally want to try this place out next month. Looks like you had a fun date with your little man. ;)

  3. Thanks so much Lindsey! I'm so proud of you for making healthy changes! I'm sure you're feeling much better and it's incredible how your body adjusts to healthy eating. As long as you fill it with healthy vitamins, minerals etc, it really doesn't crave at all!! And I love that you try to incorporate healthy eating habits for Zoie! You are a wonderful mom!

    Amanda! Maybe I'll see you at raw night if I get to go in April!!
