Friday, April 6, 2012

Beetiful morning!

I recently decided that our family was in a "juicing rut." That being said, I'll be posting some new juicing recipes we are incorporating into our days! Variety is so key, but the craziness of life can sometimes get in the way. So, if you are also stuck in a rut, or not, hopefully you can enjoy some new juicing recipes!

Today is a beetiful morning for this juice!

Nice electrical outlet eh? That's not really what you're supposed to be looking at, but I uploaded this pic from my iphone and it's pretty hard not to look at:)


1 beet
4 small apples
Bunch of fresh wheat grass or frozen. Sometimes fresh wheatgrass is hard to could always grow your own;)
Large bunch of grapes (I like red)
7-8 carrots

Juice all above ingredients and enjoy!

Here are some benefits of wheatgrass:
Boosts the immune system
Reduced high blood pressure
Regulates blood sugar
Appetite suppressant
Prevents graying of hair (I'm totally increasing my intake!) and removes dandruff
Helps treat acne
Antioxidant rich thereby repairing damaged cells
Improves digestion and metabolism
Helps purify the blood and cleanses kidney, liver, and urinary tract (add it to your detox regimen)
Provides energy
Increases red blood cells

Health benefits of beets:
Great for cardiovascular health
Helps slow growth of rumors in cancer
High in iron do helps with anemia
Great for pregnant women d/t high levels of folic acid
High in antioxidants
Anti-inflammatory properties
Helps detox process
Have been shown to lessen tumor cell growth

Not sure about you, but these are motivating health benefits for me! My body should be detoxing as I type!!
A glass for Eric and I and some left over for later in the day!
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Gabe liked it! Nice look my son!

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