Monday, May 14, 2012

A Happy Mother!

Well, I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day with your mother's, children, or other friends or family! I had a wonderful weekend so I thought I would share a small portion of it! My husband was actually gone for the weekend so I spent it with my Aunt in Indiana. Gabe and I had a fabulous time. I woke up on Sunday morning to this:

They are so precious when they sleep!
 We drove 6 hours and stopped at my mother's on our way home. We have horses so Gabe has already become a big fan and requested to see the horses as soon as we got to the farm. I was not opposed:-)

 My Aunt sent me home with some fresh tomatoes so guess what I had for dinner? Yep, the tomatoes and a fresh raw ear of corn! It was delicious! Since this is a food blog, I had to share at least one food picture!!

And, to top the night off, my husband had this super sweet photo book made for me for Mother's Day! Below are just a few of the many pages in the book. The captions are a bit hard to read so I placed them below the photos!

I  have learned a few things in my 2 yrs. I wanted to share with you. I have listed them in the pages that follow. Oh, and don't you want to stay home with me?? (that last sentence is a little inside joke of ours)

I love this picture mommy! Life is so precious....enjoy the little moments and snuggle me all day!

It's ok to be silly sometimes. 

Mommy, you're silly!

Be sure to always clean your plate! I love your, all-natural, whole grain, vitamin rich, mineral dense, raw soup!
 HaHa! I love that my husband used 5 adjectives to describe the food I feed Gabe:-)

Enjoy the nice weather and even go for a swing sometimes. I love swinging with you Mommy!

Play in the country any chance you get! Look at me Mommy! See how high I can climb!

Oh and one more thing on daddy! He's the best! Daddy...please find my lil piggies are getting cold!

 That last one made me laugh!! I am so incredibly blessed to have these two men in my life! I love them more than words can describe.

1 comment:

  1. i love the mother's day book!!! you are so unbelievably beautiful, Joie :)
