Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Hello there! It's been a while, 29 days actually. Did you wonder why there was only crickets around my blog? Well, the 1st of June I woke up early to use the restroom, and when I bent forward, I heard and felt something "pop" in my low back (I have an old fracture at L5 where I heard the pop). Immediately I could not put any weight on my legs or even sit. I crawled back to bed and told Eric that he couldn't leave for work because there would be no way for me to take care of our son. He carried me downstairs and suggested I go to the ER. Yeah right, no way this ER nurse will be in an ER unless I'm working or half dead! Of course I conducted my own little "self-assessment" and knew I didn't have any dangerous symptoms with the back pain. Anyway, long story short, I spent about 13 days unable to fully stand up straight. After 3 chiropractic appointments, 1 useless appointment with my primary doctor, 4 days off of work, and 2 laser therapy appointments, I could finally stand up straight again. It was pretty awful since it ruined part of my vacation from work. After my back healed, I spent some time in Raleigh, NC visiting my friend Stephenie. So, that's why there's only been crickets around here!

I guess it was good timing considering that my garden has overflowed with lettuce. I haven't been making many exciting raw meals since all I've been eating is lettuce! I hate for it to go to waste! This is after my mother-in-law cut a ton of it for us this past weekend. The low temperatures have allowed it to keep growing. My green onions are huge and carrots are coming along nicely as well. My m-i-l also thinned by carrots for me. I've been meaning to do it forever, but a bad back just didn't allow:)

Lettuce, onions, carrots.

My cilantro and basil! I can't wait to use them:) My two favorites.

My tomato plants. I need to get cages for them soon!

That would be a lone cucumber plant. I sure it produces!

Beets for juicing and a bell pepper plant. The bell peppers haven't been doing to hot.
I'm hoping to post at least a couple of times a week again now! At least that's what I'm shooting for. At least enough to clear out the crickets!

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